Up to 5.7K30 360 Video, up to 120 Mb/s
18MP 360 Photos
FlowState Digital Image Stabilization
Wi-Fi Connection to iOS/Android Devices
iOS/Android App & Mac/Windows Software
Storage to microSD Cards up to 128GB
Social Media/Live-Stream Sharing via App
HDR Mode
Cinematic Slow-Mo, Hyperlapse, Editing
Pricing chart
Pricing chart offers rentals ranging in length from 1 to 90 days. The shopping cart will automatically update the quoted price as you adjust the length of your rental. Our most common rental periods are shown below:
Rental Period | Rental Price | Price Per Day (Approx.) |
3 Days | HK$213.98 | HK$71.33 |
4 Days | HK$229.98 | HK$57.49 |
7 Days | HK$306.43 | HK$43.78 |
14 Days | HK$536.26 | HK$38.30 |
21 Days | HK$721.39 | HK$34.35 |
30 Days | HK$904.02 | HK$30.13 |
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